18 Nov 03

Mass. Court Rules in Favor of Same-Sex Marriages

The highest court in Massachusetts has ruled that same-sex couples are legally entitled to wed under the state constitution, but stopped short of immediately allowing marriage licenses to be issued to the seven couples who challenged the law. The court is giving the Legislature 180 days to "take such action as it may deem appropriate in light of this decision."

:::Dons Hooters™ t-shirt, confederate flag bandanna and tight white jeans:::
"Hey, it's supposed to be Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! Hyuk, hyuk"

Kidding. This is great news, of course. Albeit total equality with traditional marriages might be a slow road. One step at a time.


JUST A LITTLE SECTION OF A GREAT SITE I KNOW ABOUT, IT'S CALLED WWW.DEADLYELIXIR.NET: "Ok, so today a judge decided (again), that it the job of the judicial branch to write new laws. It just makes me angry that one liberal judge can overturn legislated marraige laws that have worked for hundreds of years. I do not hate gay people, or want to take away their rights. Marraige is a bond between a man and a woman; if you want to get married find someone of the opposite sex. I also do not believe our goverment should be condoning morally unacceptable behavior. On that note, we have to think a little more about morals. Morals are just guidelines between what is right and wrong, but this is all relative. It is obvious that our constitution was written using Judeo-Christian philosophy, not necessarily the religion, but the moral implications of the religion. So the judge in this case, who quoted "Our [judges'] obligation is to define the liberty of all, not to mandate our own moral code" is foolish and ignorant of reality. If morals are not to be set forth by the goverment, then there is no need to have laws whatsoever. Laws are guidelines between what is right and wrong just like morals. Defining the liberty of "ALL" would allow the psycopathic killer to mass murder because that is "his personal moral code", and "he thinks it is right". It is about time we get strong moral leaders such as George Bush to uphold the philosophy and morals that structure the constitution. It is obvious that our laws are based on this Chrisitian philosophy, so we compromise the principles of our consitution for the rights of a few gay people. Like I said before, what next? "

Just someone very smart's point of view ....ha ha I am just kidding

deadlyelixir, on November 18, 2003 6:57 PM

How blind you are deadlyelixer...do you live in America? Open your eyes...The Government is dirty, and so is your beloved President! The Constitution was written on the ideals of a few. I pity followers like you, mass murder can in no way be compared to two people who love each other. Check your statistics on divorce rates and unwed mothers in this country, that is where your attention should be. Bush should be focusing on lowering taxes and putting able people to work who are on welfare in this country or better education starting with you.

Mary, on November 29, 2004 7:14 PM

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