06 Nov 03

Picture Hunt Time!

Count how many women are in this picture. At first this picture made me laugh, then it made me want to cry. Could anything be more representative of this administration's domestic policy and agenda than this photograph?


Wow, it makes me cry that people would actually want to support partial birth abortion. I mean come on, abortion can have its place with rapes and young teenage pregnancies that would endanger a mother's life. But seriously, taking the brains from a child as it is half-born (sounds a little like murder to me). I mean if the child is fully born, then it is murder. We need to draw the line somewhere. I can't imagine the sick person who actually thinks this act is justified. Another thing, I am tired of judges pretending they are the legislature. THEY AREN'T. They are supposed to give an impartial ruling, based on constitutional rightson , on laws , not legislate their own beliefs through their rulings. Its amazing that a representive house, senate, and president can pass a law, but one judge with a personal bias can try to write the law.

deadlyelixir, on November 6, 2003 10:50 PM

Like I said before, this puts the Dick in Ridiculous.

If I'm pregnant someday and then in month 9 something goes drastically wrong and I'm gonna die if I don't get an abortion, well Frankie...
We are hopping our asses on a plane to Sweden and taking care of things.

Ashley, on November 6, 2003 10:55 PM

Farwell to Arms? - except in Sweden not Switzerland and Frankie isn't in the war he's just fighting hobos.

Anonymous, on November 13, 2003 1:08 AM

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