22 Jan 04

Back at school and a ghost campus

Well, I'm finally back at school. Thing is, I'm early. You see, I had a training session today for my new job as "Lab Technician," and another one tomorrow at 3 I think - so the campus doesn't officially open for spring semester until Sunday. So, besides us few IT people, as well as the RAs and the few winter semester people, there's no one here. It's peaceful, but at the same time a bit eerie. For instance, besides housing staff there are only 2 other people in my dorm building. The heaters hadn't yet been turned on when I got here, so I was greeted with a little old electric heater. Later though, two technicians came to turn on the heating unit:

older technician: [pointing to my keyboard, which is blocking the heating unit] Could ya please move that there organ?
other, younger technician: It's a keyboard ya old fart.

Note to self: get more clothes hangers (no, don't worry Carson, not wire hangers).

1 comment

...and the worst part is..it was a computer keyboard...lol

deadlyelixir, on January 23, 2004 12:21 AM

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