11 Feb 04

Cowboy Monkey or Bust!

After stumbling across the website of Whiplash, the cowboy monkey, and looking at his schedule, I was disappointed that they're not really visiting the east coast at all. But then a great idea occurred to me - why don't I get together a group of friends and we make a road trip to see him perform at a rodeo? I IMed around 9 friends about it and the response has been more than enthusiastic. I'm really planning on doing this. The only problem is finding a van that we could all drive there in, but I'm sure between all of us one of us has got to have a van or SUV. If I didn't IM you, don't take it personally, you might be one of the above 9 that I just haven't had a chance to IM because you've been away / haven't been online. But you're in the plans. If not, well we'll see what we can do, we might have to take two vehicles, though that would be less than desirable. This is perhaps the best idea I've ever thought of. Well, next to the scheme I made up in 2nd grade where I told everyone that we were going to build a spaceship and go into orbit, then return and I would buy them whatever they wanted with the grant money from NASA.

Yeah, this is genius.

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